Customize Google Maps
- Organize your data into a excel spreadsheet. Separate data into the following columns: address, city, state (or country), title (for the popup) and text (the text will be put into the popup balloon.)
- Go to the web site:
- The web site has easy steps. I won’t go into detail here.
- At the end, click “Save Map as a web page.”
If you want to put the map into Google Maps, it is a bit harder. You also need a Google Docs account (which you have if you have gmail).
- Do the steps above, but on step four download the KML file. Save this file to the desktop.
- Open KML file with MS-Word. Go to the Replaice window (Edit->Replace…). Search for “^p” and replace with “”. In English, replace all the line returns with nothing. Click replace all. The ending document should be one long line.
- Open a MS-Excel spreadsheet. Cut and paste the big long line created above into Cell A1. The entire line should be in A1 and no other. Save the spreadsheet on the desktop.
- Go to Google Docs in your web browser. In the main menu, press Upload. Upload the spreadsheet you just created.
- Open the newly created spreadsheet in Google Docs.
- Press the “Publish Tab” on the right hand side of the screen.
- Click “publish now.”
- Check the box beside “Automatically re-publish when changes are made” and click “Republish now.”
- Now press the “More Publishing options link.” A window will pop up.
- In the new window set the file format to txt. In the “What Cells?” field type A1.
- Press generate URL button. A URL will appear in that window. Copy that URL.
- Now, go to In the search field, paste the newly crated URL.
- Press Search.
- If all went correctly, Google Maps should populate with all your points. Keep in mind they cut you off after 65 points.
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